Child Safe Policy

Our child safe commitment statement

City of Whittlesea is committed to being a child safe organisation and has zero tolerance for child abuse. We recognise our legal and moral responsibilities in keeping children and young people safe from harm and promoting their best interests.

We have a commitment to the cultural safety and inclusion of all children. This includes:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
  • culturally and linguistically diverse children
  • children who are LGBTIQA+
  • children with disability.

Principles that support the safety of all children 

As a child safe organisation, we are committed to providing welcoming, safe and accessible environments where children feel valued, listened to and considered in decisions that affect their lives.

The wellbeing of the children and young people in our care will always be our priority. We have specific policies, procedures and practices in place to support our people to achieve these commitments. 

For more information on child safety at City of Whittlesea, please contact one of the Council Officers listed on our child safety page.

Child Safe Policy

In September 2022, we endorsed a new Child Safe Policy to reflect the updated Child Safe Standards. This policy reaffirms our commitment to child safety and articulates how we will continue to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.

We take our responsibility for internal compliance and community advocacy in the area of child safety very seriously. Our Child Safe Policy ensures we comply with our child safety obligations, while making a positive community impact by promoting and leading the implementation of child safe practices.

Download the Child Safe Policy

Child Safe Policy - accessible(DOCX, 102KB)

Child Safe Policy(PDF, 351KB)

Child Safe Code 

The Child Safe Code supplements the Child Safe Policy. The code is an operational document setting out actions and behaviours that must and must not be demonstrated by Council officers and other workers in supporting the safety, participation, wellbeing and empowerment of children.

Download the Child Safe Code

Child Safe Code - accessible(DOCX, 67KB)

Child Safe Code(PDF, 263KB)