Reportable Conduct Scheme

The Reportable Conduct Scheme (established by the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005) aims to improve organisations’ responses to allegations of certain types of misconduct involving children, committed by their workers and volunteers.

About the scheme

The scheme imposes legal obligations on heads of organisations to have systems in place to prevent child abuse.

Learn more about the scheme

If child abuse is alleged, these systems must ensure allegations are brought to the attention of appropriate people for investigation and response.

Reportable conduct against a child includes:

  • sexual offences
  • sexual misconduct
  • physical violence
  • significant emotional or psychological harm
  • significant neglect.

The Reportable Conduct Scheme is designed to ensure the Commission for Children and Young People is made aware of every allegation of certain types of employee or volunteer misconduct involving children.

The commission must be informed of all allegations of child abuse involving a worker or volunteer, and will independently monitor all investigations undertaken by organisations.

Access information in languages other than English

The commission website also has resources about the Reportable Conduct Scheme available in a range of languages.


How to make a report

Any complaints about a City of Whittlesea employee, administrator, volunteer or contractor’s behaviour or conduct towards a child or young person will be treated seriously and in accordance with the Reportable Conduct Scheme.
Notify us of any concerns by:

You can also contact the Commission for Children and Young People directly at or call 1300 78 29 78 (9:30–11:30am and 2:00–4:00pm Monday to Friday, except on public holidays).