Reporting child abuse

Keeping our young people safe

We all have role to play in keeping children and young people safe from harm and abuse.

If you suspect or know of a child or young person being abused, you must report it.

Here's how:

  • If a child or young person is in immediate danger, contact police on triple zero (000).
  • For immediate concerns about the safety of a child, contact the Child Protection Crisis Line on 131 278 or visit the Child Protection website.
  • To discuss concerns about the safety of a child or young person, contact your local police station.

Our commitment to child safety

We're committed to being a child-safe organisation. All concerns raised with us will be taken seriously and, where appropriate, will be reported to authorities and investigated by us.

Any complaints about a City of Whittlesea employee, administrator, volunteer or contractor’s behaviour or conduct towards a child or young person will be handled in accordance with the Victorian Reportable Conduct Scheme.

Find out more about how the scheme applies to Council

How to notify us of any concerns

You can also contact the Commission for Children and Young People directly at or call 1300 78 29 78 (9:30–11:30am and 2:00 – 4:00 pm Monday to Friday, except on public holidays).

More resources

What is child abuse?(PDF, 454KB)

Signs of neglect(PDF, 73KB)