Resources for parents and carers

Helping you keep your child safe

All kids have the right to feel secure and remain safe at all times. A place that's considered safe for children has special measures in place to protect your young person from any harm.

As a parent or carer, you are frequently choosing activities, services, clubs or programs for your child. So it's important that you feel confident your child is welcome and protected in these environments.

We have collated a range of trusted resources to help you think about these issues and support you in your choices.

Resources from the Commission for Children and Young People

The Commission for Children and Young People promotes improvement in policies and practices that affect the safety and wellbeing of Victorian children and young people. You can find lots of useful information on their website or browse the following tipsheets and guides produced by the commission. 

What to look for in a child safe organisation: tipsheet 

Teaching your child to keep themselves safe: tipsheet

Information for culturally diverse communities

The Victorian State Government has prepared a flyer to guide you in helping your child know what to do if they or a friend experiences racism at school.

Find out how to report racism at school

Kids Helpline has information about how young people's wellbeing can be affected by cross cultural issues, such as discrimination and lack of acceptance.

Help your child with cross cultural issues

Protecting First Nations young people

Child Wise has created the Yarning Up resource to help protect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from abuse.

Download the Yarning Up resource(PDF, 2MB)

Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA) offers a range of online family support information.

Get information from VACCA

eSafety have partnered with First Nations organisations to develop culturally appropriate resources. These resources aim to empower communities to stay safe and active online while ensuring mob's voices, music and stories continue to be heard.

Find stories and advice for mob at eSafety

Resources from Raising Children Network

Raising Children Network is an Australian parenting website with free, reliable, up-to-date, independent information to help your family grow and thrive together. 

Find a host of resources for raising a child with disability, including knowing their rights and the laws protecting them.

Get information about the laws and rights for children with disability

The Raising Children Network has great information to help you support your child with issues around gender identity, diversity and dysphoria.

Learn more about gender identity

The network also offers child-friendly information to teach young people about respect and gender equality. This resource aims to reduce violence towards women through educating our children that violence is never OK. 

Find out about preventing violence against girls and women


The eSafety website provides information and advice for kids and young people about how to keep safe online, what to do if something goes wrong and how to complain about online bullying or abuse. It has a section on information specially for parents.

eSafety have partnered with First Nations organisations to develop culturally appropriate resources. These resources aim to empower communities to stay safe and active online while ensuring mob's voices, music and stories continue to be heard.

Go to eSafety information for parents

How to spot signs of potential abuse

The Australian Childhood Foundation has prepared information about common warning signs that may flag potential abuse. The website also advises what you can do if you spot these signs.

Learn more about the warning signs of online child sexual abuse and exploitation

Child Wise has created downloadable resources to help you identify and respond to child abuse.

Speak Up: understanding child abuse and your response(PDF, 655KB)

What is child abuse?(PDF, 454KB)

Download the Signs of neglect chart to help you spot signs of neglect in a child or young person.

Signs of neglect(PDF, 73KB)

What to do if a child tells you someone is harming them

When a child discloses abuse it can be hard to know how to respond and what to do. Kids Helpline shares some valuable information and tips on what you can do in this situation.

Find out what to do if a child discloses abuse

Contact our team

For more information on child safety, please contact our Child Safety department on 03 9217 2170 or at If you speak a language other than English call 131 450.