Mill Park Drive MCH Centre
Mill Park Drive MCH Centre location and contact details
7a Mill Park Drive, Mill Park
Phone: 03 9217 2170
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Make an MCH appointment
To make a key ages and stages appointment or to change an existing one, please make a request via our online booking portal.
Visit our online MCH booking service
You can also contact us at
If your enquiry relates to an appointment in the next two working days, please call 03 9217 2170, Monday to Friday 9 am – 4:30 pm.
If the matter is urgent, please contact your local GP or nearest hospital emergency department.
Get extra MCH advice during and after business hours
Contact the Maternal and Child Health Line on 13 22 29 (24 hours, every day). The service is operated by qualified Maternal and Child Health nurses who can offer information, advice and referral to all families with young children.
MCH centre opening times
Centres are open Monday to Friday. Opening times vary from centre to centre, but are usually 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Check when making your appointment.