Apply for a community grant

Community grants guidelines

Our community grants are available all year round to support local programs, events, projects and initiatives.

Community grants guidelines 2023-2024(PDF, 2MB)

If you would like our Community Grants guidelines document in a different format, please email

Information sessions

We run free sessions to help familiarise you with the Community Grant program, including eligibility, available funding and how to apply.

You can speak directly to our Community Grants team in these sessions and learn more about the online application process.

To find out when our next sessions are being held, subscribe to our Community Grants e-news.

Grant writing workshop

We're excited to offer free grant writing workshops that will help you to learn how to write grant applications using the new online form.

To find out when our next workshop is being held, subscribe to our Community Grants e-news.

Grant categories

Find out more about each grant category by selecting the relevant category below.

Individual grants


All applicants must apply two months prior to enable time to process.

For example, if you require the grant for attendance to a leadership workshop in October, you must apply by August. 

Please note:

  • No grant will be funded retrospectively
  • One application per individual each year
  • Parents/guardians will need to apply for those under 18 years old.

Arts and culture applicants

Open to creative performers or artists.

Community leadership
An example for this category could be that you're attending a leadership development opportunity to support your community.

Sports and recreation competitions
Open to individuals 25 years old or younger.

Sustainable environment initiatives
Open to all individuals. Those aged under 18 years old must have a parent or guardian apply on their behalf.

Key details

Individual grants are available monthly for up to $1,000.

Assessment criteria    Weighting
Explanation of opportunity: how the grant will help the applicant and wider community if applicable    50%
 Evidence of financial need  40%
 Budget  10%

Eligible items

The following items are eligible for individual grant funding:

  • Registration fees.
  • Course fees delivered by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
  • Travel and accommodation - up to $500 per application.
  • Clothing or uniforms.
  • Materials and equipment.

What won't be eligible for funding

In addition to the items on page six of the guidelines, grants are excluded from funding: 

  • Computer equipment.
  • School, TAFE or university fees.

Required supporting documents

Priority will be given to applications with all supporting documentation included. Our team will contact third parties to verify details of your application where required.

The following supporting information is needed:

Arts and culture

  • Artist’s CV and/or
  • Evidence of the opportunity relevant to their art or cultural practice. 

Community leadership

  • A demonstrated history of volunteering, participation and taking leadership in the community/ community group.
  • Evidence of the leadership development opportunities to support their community.
  • Courses that are delivered by a Registered Training Organisation. 

Sports and recreation competitions 

  • Evidence of financial need (e.g. Health care card holder).
  • Evidence of selection in the event/ competition.
  • The list of costs to participate. 

Sustainable environment initiatives
In line with the Sustainable Environment Vision, the applicant must provide:

  • a project plan of the initiative they want to achieve and its objectives
  • impact of the initiative
  • list of costs.

How to apply

Our online grant application service is powered by SmartyGrants.

Apply for an individual grant

If you have any questions about the grant application process, email the Community Grants team on or phone 03 9217 2170.

Small, medium and large grants overview

Key details

Small, medium and large grants offer support to social enterprises, not-for-profit community groups, organisations and businesses to undertake activities that have a broad community benefit.

Eligible applicants are encouraged to apply for grants to deliver projects and events that have a community benefit in line with the Whittlesea 2040 vision:

  • Connected Community.
  • Liveable Neighbourhoods.
  • Strong Local Economy.
  • Sustainable Environment.

All small, medium and large grants have three sub-categories:

  • Council programs
    Council will offer programs because of identified need in community through community planning and feedback. e.g. female Participation in Sport.

  • Projects
    Community groups, social enterprises and businesses can apply for grants to deliver projects that contribute towards the Whittlesea 2040.

  • Events and/or festivals
    To celebrate our diverse community, eligible applicants are encouraged to apply to run events or festivals that celebrate who you represent in the City of Whittlesea. Applications for events must ensure it meets all the Festival and Events requirements including:
    • traffic management strategy
    • health and safety considerations and permits where applicable
    • risk management strategy
    • communications and/or media plan.

Eligibility requirements

The following eligibility requirements must be met to apply for grants:

  • be a registered Not-for-profit classified by the Australian Tax Office
  • incorporated groups
  • social enterprise
  • businesses
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or qualify to submit a Statement by Supplier
  • hold current public liability insurances appropriate to the proposed project or event
  • provide all supporting documentation to support your application
  • provide legitimate quotes showing ABN from potential supplier for items $500 or more
  • applicants must apply three months in advance for their proposed event to ensure it meets all requirements for the Festival and Events approval.
  • events applied for must be delivered in the following quarter.

What won't be funded

In addition to the items on page six of the guidelines, the small, medium and large grants are excluded from funding:

  • individuals
  • projects, activities or events that are political in nature
  • gifts vouchers, gifts, prizes, trophies, scholarships, donations, other grant programs
  • projects already underway, completed or committed to prior to applying
  • activities or events that do not comply with relevant government orders of the day
  • air travel or accommodation
  • events, activities or projects that are not open to the public or where access is restricted.

Small grants

Amount and frequency

Up to $3,000 in grant funding will be allocated monthly. 


Grant applications will be assessed on the criteria below.

Assessment criteria   Weighting 
 2040 goals 45% 
 Target audience 20% 
 Not previously funded          10% 
 Areas of lower SEIFA   15%
 Budget  10% 

How to apply

Our online grant application service is powered by SmartyGrants.

Apply for a small grant

If you have any questions about the grant application process, email the Community Grants team on or phone 03 9217 2170.

Medium grants

Amount and frequency

Up to $20,000 in grant funding will be allocated quarterly for medium grants.

 Q1  1 July – 30 September
 Q2  1 October – 31 December
 Q3  1 January – 31 March
 Q4  1 April – 30 June


Assessment criteria   Weighting 
 2040 goals 50% 
 Target audience 15% 
 Not previously funded              5% 
 Areas of lower SEIFA  10%
Budget   20%

How to apply

Our online grant application service is powered by SmartyGrants.

Apply for a medium grant

If you have any questions about the grant application process, email the Community Grants team on or phone 03 9217 2170.

Large grants

Amount and frequency

Up to $40,000 in grant funding will be allocated quarterly for large grants.

 Q1  1 July – 30 September
 Q2  1 October – 31 December
 Q3  1 January – 31 March
 Q4  1 April – 30 June


Assessment criteria   Weighting 
 2040 goals 50% 
 Target audience 15% 
 Not previously funded              5% 
 Areas of lower SEIFA  10%
 Budget  20%

How to apply

Our online grant application service is powered by SmartyGrants.

Apply for a large grant

If you have any questions about the grant application process, email the Community Grants team on or phone 03 9217 2170.

Unincorporated grants

Eligibility requirements

Applications for the unincorporated grants must fulfil the following eligibility requirements:

  • the group has been meeting on a regular basis for at least six months at the time of application
  • the group has a minimum of six members
  • a minimum of 50% of members reside in the City of Whittlesea
  • the group is established in the City of Whittlesea
  • the group has Rules of Association of a Statement of Purpose or a Mission Statement
  • unincorporated groups can only apply once for this grant.

Grant amount and frequency

Unincorporated group grants are available quarterly for up to $1,000. 

 Q1  1 July – 30 September
 Q2  1 October – 31 December
 Q3  1 January – 31 March
 Q4  1 April – 30 June


In addition to the items on page six of the guidelines, grants are excluded from funding:

  • public Liability Insurance to cover organisation/group
  • incorporation costs
  • materials and equipment to support organisation set-up
  • group promotion and member recruitment
  • costs for regular meeting venues not listed in the ‘what won’t be funded’ section below
  • costs to set up a webpage
  • facilitators to support development of strategic plans, governance systems.

What won't be funded

The following won't be funded for unincorporated grants:

  • groups of a political nature
  • groups already incorporated
  • incomplete applications
  • costs for meeting venues that are located in:
    • a place promoting gambling and serve alcohol
    • a Council owned venue.

Required supporting documents

The following documents are needed as part of your application:

  • quotes for costs associated with setting up your group
  • a business plan showing the proposed start up social/business enterprise
  • evidence supporting your proposed business plan or project - this could include (but not limited to) minutes of a meeting confirming proposed move to start up a social/business enterprise. 

How to apply

Our online grant application service is powered by SmartyGrants.

Apply for an unincorporated grant

If you have any questions about the grant application process, email the Community Grants team on or phone 03 9217 2170.

Emergency grants


Emergency grants are open to:

  • not-for-profit community groups
  • incorporated organisations
  • social enterprises
  • businesses.

Grant amount

Emergency grants are up to $1,000 in total.

Eligible items

Emergency grants are for:

  • reducing financial impact of emergency and unforeseen events
  • enabling eligible applicants to continue to operate or quickly return to normal operations. 

What won't be funded

In addition to the items on page six of the guidelines, emergency grants are excluded from funding:

  • emergency initiatives already delivered in the community by other key organisations of the State
  • insurance excess for covered event.

Required supporting documents

The following supporting documents need to be included with your application:

  • quotes
  • evidence of current financial status
  • other documents relevant to the proposed emergency project or activity.


Emergency grant applications are assessed by the following:

  • Impact on normal operations
    Applicants need to show evidence of how the event occurred and its detrimental effect on normal operations. 

  • Financial hardship or risk fee will create for the applicant
    Applicants need to describe how the fees incurred due to the emergency event will create financial hardship or risk. Applicants will need to provide evidence of their financial status by means of:
    • bank statements
    • proof of loss
    • recent copy of financial accounts or
    • letter of current standing from a financial account.

  • How the community will be impacted if normal operations are interrupted
    Applicants need to describe how their normal services/activities help their local community. 

How to apply

Our online grant application service is powered by SmartyGrants.

Apply for an emergency grant

If you have any questions about the grant application process, email the Community Grants team on or phone 03 9217 2170.

Frequently asked questions

How long is the timeframe from when the funding notification is received and the project or event is delivered?

We anticipate a 6-week turnaround from when grant rounds close and when we will notify you of the outcome of your application. We expect your project or event to be delivered the following quarter.

If your project falls over multiple quarters, we expect you to start delivering it by the following quarter after you receive your funds. For example, if you apply on 1 July for a $10,000 grant, it will start to be assessed after 31 July and we will aim to notify you of the outcome by mid-September. We would then expect the project or event to be delivered by 31 December (or started by this date if the project falls over multiple quarters).

A diagram that shows an example of how long it takes for a grant funding to take place. For example if you apply in Q1, you might hear back in Q2, deliver the event in Q3 and acquit the project in Q4

Can I use my grant to get traffic management from Council?

Yes, you can use part of your grant to cover traffic management.

Traffic management plans will need to be submitted as part of the event approval process. Council does not provide event traffic management as part of our services.

Can a grant pay for renovations (e.g. shop fit-out, court resurfacing)?

Community grants cannot be used for building projects, capital works or facility maintenance.

What is classified as a regular event?

Anything that is not yearly or part of your core or usual business would be considered a regular event.

How do we know what kind of Council acknowledgement we need to do?

A media pack is being designed by the Communications Team. Notification about your acknowledgement level will be provided in your Conditions of Grants form.

Is the amount of the grant GST inclusive or exclusive?

If your organisation is registered for GST it will be paid on top of the grant amount. If it is not registered for GST, it will not be included.

Is a gender specific event classified as discrimination and therefore won't be funded?

You can run an event or project that is targeted towards a specific group, however City of Whittlesea has a zero tolerance policy towards discrimination.

How does the process work if you are partnering with another organisation?

You can add additional contacts if you are partnering with another organisation so that people at the other organisation can enquire about or take actions on the grant.

What counts as in-kind contributions?

An example of in-kind contributions can be staff or volunteer hours, venue hire, or donated goods and services, funding received from other bodies – must not be double dipping and this will need to be demonstrated.

How much are volunteer hours calculated at?

Volunteer hours are calculated at $42 per hour for in-kind contributions.

Is their a waiver process for hiring a Council venue?

At this stage there is no waiver process for grant recipients hiring Council venues. Incorporating this will be considered in the future.

If I can't find a venue in the City of Whittlesea, can I still get funding?

Not at this stage. Upon application, you were approved for the event to be run in the City of Whittlesea.

We may consider out of area venues in the future. 

Do I need to declare a conflict of interest?

All staff, volunteers, contractors or consultants are required to declare their conflict of interest when applying for grants.

There are a few levels to conflict of interest:

  • Actual conflict of interest (e.g. the person applying for the grant is a staff member, volunteer, contractor or consultant with City of Whittlesea).
  • Potential conflict of interest (e.g. someone on the team works with Council but they’re not the person applying for the grant).
  • Perceived conflict of interest (e.g. a third party may perceive a conflict of interest by your involvement both in the group and with Council). 

If in doubt, please err on the side of caution or contact the Grants team if you need more assistance on 03 9217 2170.

What if my assessor doesn't know much about my area of application?

Grants assessors will be from a range of teams across Council.

Assessors will consult with subject matter experts in the field before finalising their assessments.

Do grants open and close on the same day?

Grants are open all year around and will not close. The dates provided are the dates that the assessment process will begin.

Is there a chance that the grants budget will be used up in the first quarter?

It is highly unlikely that the grants budget will be used up in the first quarter.

The grants budget at Council has been increased by 33% and all applications over $3,000 will be approved by a group of senior leadership and executives.

Can we get feedback from acquittals?

There will be no direct feedback for acquittals unless it is requested.

Project or event outcomes will be summarised, collated and reported to Council with others in the same quarter.

Do I need a fundraising permit?

Aside from State Government regulations, fundraising permits do not need to be obtained except for collections on public land (e.g. highway collections).

Further information on fundraising permits

What if I don't have an Australian Business Number (ABN)?

You can apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN) online.

Visit the Australian Business Registry to apply for your ABN.

What do I need to include in an auspice letter?

The auspice letter should include:

  • auspice organisation name and ABN
  • applicant name
  • grant type
  • project or event name
  • grant amount applied for
  • be signed by the correct delegate in the auspice organisation. 

Download an auspice letter template(DOCX, 21KB)

What criteria are the grants assessed by?

Grants are assessed by: 

  • adherence to City of Whittlesea's 2040 goals
  • target audience
  • not being previously funded
  • areas of lower socio-economic indexes (SEIFA)
  • budget.

What are the Whittlesea 2040 goals?

Read more about the Whittlesea 2040 goals.

When do I need to apply if I have an event in December?

If you have an event in December you would want to apply for the grant for your project or event in Q2. Once the quarter is closed, it will go through the assessment process and you will be notified on the outcome within about 6 weeks. You would then hold the event by the end of December and acquit the grant the following quarter.