Social and affordable housing

Our commitment to social and affordable housing

We recognise that every person has a right to affordable, safe and stable housing to support their livelihood and sense of belonging.

We’re committed to policies and actions that promote housing affordability and reduce homelessness and housing stress.

We’re also advocating to the federal and state governments to:

  • invest in social and affordable housing to break the cycle of homelessness
  • strengthen the connections to support systems 
  • reduce rental and mortgage stress.

Our advocacy to government

We’re advocating to the state and federal governments for support in seven key economic areas.

These are described in our Advocacy Prospectus 2023-25(PDF, 30MB) (see pages 39-43). 

One key area is social and affordable housing. Proposed initiatives include:

  • planning reforms and incentives for affordable and social housing
  • investing in all types of affordable housing, from crisis accommodation to affordable home ownership
  • using surplus state land for affordable housing
  • improving energy efficiency and thermal performance in existing social and affordable housing
  • establishing specialised homelessness services to support residents and break the cycle of homelessness.

Community benefits of affordable housing

We believe that if we prioritise affordable and social housing, there will be many benefits for the community. These include:

  • more affordable housing for communities in need and essential workers
  • breaking the cycle of homelessness
  • reducing the number of young people sleeping rough
  • improving and increasing at-risk young people’s access to employment, education and healthcare
  • strengthening community connections to support systems.

Download the prospectus

Advocacy Prospectus 2023-25(PDF, 30MB)