
We support local artists by regularly exhibiting their artwork at community facilities and offering art programs through local neighbourhood and community houses. 

City of Whittlesea Annual Art Exhibitions

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If you're excited about exploring local creative events, networking with artists or simply immersing yourself in the arts scene, subscribe to one (or both) of our newsletters.

For art-lovers

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For artists

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Whittlesea Arts

Whittlesea Arts is the launching pad for our vibrant and diverse arts program. You'll find an exciting calendar of events that include festivals, exhibitions, performances and workshops for all to enjoy.

Plus, you can visit the interactive hub showcasing the very best of the City’s visual art, civic history and public art collections.

View art collections

Artist resources

We provide access to resources, networking and professional development opportunities to support local artists.

View artist resources

Whittlesea Arts is an interactive hub showcasing the very best of the City’s visual art, civic history and public art collections.