Whittlesea public art virtual tour

Public art vitual tour

Take a virtual tour of our public art collection

Our public art collection consists of more than 90 works created by contemporary artists in a variety of formats and materials.

  • The artworks are found in local parks, shopping precincts, community centres and leisure facilities.
  • They explore themes such as local history, identity, and the natural environment.
  • The virtual tour includes sculptures, murals, mosaics, art trails, and street furniture.
  • It provides a rich visual experience and deeper understanding of our cultural landscape.

Virtual tour information

The virtual tour of Whittlesea's public art collection is designed to be accessible on various devices, including computers, tablets, and phones.

  • Use the bookmarks to quickly jump to specific suburbs, or scroll through the tour to view each artwork in sequence.
  • Each piece is accompanied by a detailed description and location, with additional photos, concept sketches and videos available for further exploration.

Enjoy this immersive experience and gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural and artistic heritage of Whittlesea.

Take the virtual tour