Murnong Community Centre

murnong centre-donnybrook.jpg A new community centre is planned for Donnybrook. The multi-purpose facility will deliver essential services to this fast-growing community.

murnong centre-donnybrook.jpg


Donnybrook’s population is expected to grow substantially in the coming years, with the number of residents predicted to increase from just 5210 in 2023 to more than 48,123 by 2041.

Council is planning ahead to deliver the infrastructure and services residents need, close to home.

Project details

The Murnong Community Centre, which will be located in the Olivine Estate, will cater for the rising demand for three and four-year-old kindergarten programs in the fast-growing north. The centre is set to include two modern kindergarten rooms.

The facility will also include Maternal and Child Health Services and feature a community hall and kitchen, two meeting rooms for hire and a public community lounge with mini-branch library.


Project update

February 2024:

  • Detailed design of the facility is now complete
  • The construction contract is due to be awarded shortly, with construction expected to commence by mid-2024
  • The centre is estimated to open in late 2025.

Sustainability measures

The Murnong Community Centre will feature a number of sustainability features:

- A 40kW Solar PV system to offset power use

- Rain garden, permeable car park and water tank used for toilets and irrigation

- Reclaimed and recycled content and certified sustainability materials are specified in the project

- Natural ventilation mixed with mechanical service for optimum ventilation

- Optimum building orientation for heating and cooling.

- Double glazed windows

- Indigenous plants specified for the landscape area.


Naming the centre

Geographic Names Victoria has officially approved and registered the name Murnong Community Centre for the future community centre at 183 Olivine Boulevard, Donnybrook.

Murnong means 'yam daisy' in the Woi Wurrung language of the Wurundjeri people. Murnong is reflective of the indigenous flora found in the landscape of Donnybrook and its surrounding suburbs. The roots of Murnong plants were an important traditional food source for many Aboriginal people.

In April 2023, Council invited feedback from the public on the Murnong Community Centre name and received 30 responses, with the majority of submissions in support of the name.


Murnong Kindergarten

Murnong Community Centre will include a 66-place kindergarten to complement the existing 33-place kindergarten on the Donnybrook Primary School site next door.

To enrol in three or four-year-old kindergarten at Murnong Kindergarten in 2026, visit Council's kindergarten application page.



The City of Whittlesea has partnered with the Victorian Government to deliver this facility.

The Victorian Government is providing:

  • $2 million from its Growing Suburbs Fund
  • $709,500 from its Living Libraries Infrastructure Program
  • $4,500,000 from the Building Blocks Program
  • $180,000 from the Changing Places Program


Centre address

183 Olivine Boulevard, Donnybrook




183 Olivine Boulevard, Donnybrook,  3064  View Map

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