Hume and Whittlesea Teachers’ Environment Network Meeting
Join us as Jo Burton, Environmental Community Development Officer for Hume Council and Lisa Conley, Environmental Education Officer of Sustainability for City of Whittlesea Council discuss their respective councils' support offerings for educators seeking to include more environmental education in the classroom.
This joint meeting aims to inspire new ideas as we explore what these two neighbouring councils are doing in the space of environmental education.
This 45-minute session will cover:
- current environmental education offerings for schools at each council
- projects and programs that are in the works
- feedback and recommendations from educators to inform council's future development opportunities, and project or program supports.
The session will be recorded so please register to receive a link to the recording afterward if you can't attend.
Tuesday, 03 September 2024 | 04:30 PM
- 05:15 PM
Online, Oakbank Boulevard, View Map
Oakbank Boulevard ,
Oakbank Boulevard ,
Hume and Whittlesea Teachers’ Environment Network Meeting