Plan your event

Planning a local event

Holding events in the City of Whittlesea is an opportunity to support and celebrate cultural and community heritage. Events contribute to our city’s vibrancy, develop community wellbeing and allow people to enjoy our parks and open spaces.

If you're planning to hold a large event in the municipality, get some useful tips and find out what approvals you may need below.

Types of events

  • festivals
  • cultural celebrations
  • fetes
  • street parties
  • markets
  • fun runs
  • cycling events
  • concerts
  • parades
  • religious festivals
  • charity events
  • raffles or fundraisers.

What to consider when planning your event

  • time and date of event
  • budget
  • venue selection
  • Council approval requirements
  • target audience
  • activities and attractions, such as bands, performers, music, amusements, rides and stalls
  • food and drink availability through food vendors or community-run food stalls
  • whether alcohol will be served and what liquor permits are needed
  • access to water and power
  • number of people attending and whether the venue size and available parking is sufficient
  • infrastructure requirements sich as marquees, power, toilets, public address (PA) system and waste disposal
  • venue accessibility including accessible car parks, clear continuous pathways and accessible toilets
  • safety and risk
  • staffing and volunteers
  • equipment hire.

Explore the following sections for more detail on running a safe and successful event in the City of Whittlesea.

Check if your event needs a permit

Apply for an event permit

Choosing an event site or venue

We have a range of public parks, open spaces, sports reserves, pavilions and community facilities available for use by the public.

It's a good idea to choose a venue close to public transport and use your promotional material to encourage patrons to get to your event via train, tram, bus, bike or foot.

Choose a venue that suits your needs

When choosing a suitable site or venue, consider the following.

  • Do you plan to use Council land for your event?
  • Is the event site or venue available and do you have permission to use it?
  • Does the venue or site you have chosen suit all your requirements?
  • What are the arrangements for getting in and out of the site or venue?

Community facilities

Parks and open spaces

Our parks are available for all people to enjoy and can't be booked.

However, you might be able to get approval to share the space. If you're planning a large event, call us on 03 9217 2170 and ask to speak with our Event Permit Officer to see if we can grant approval.

This approval doesn't give exclusive use of the site. If the site is a public open space, you will need to allow other members of the public to also have access.

See our list of parks and playgrounds

Venue or site plan

For larger events you must have a venue or site plan so attendees, staff, volunteers, contractors and emergency services know where everything is. This will help you when applying for permits and with developing your safety management plan.

You plan may need to include:

  • entertainment areas, including stage location and amusement rides
  • food vendors and stalls
  • drinking water sites
  • permanent and temporary public toilets, including accessible toilets
  • information tent
  • first aid posts
  • parking, including accessible parking bays and pick-up and drop-off areas
  • entrances, exits and continuous accessible paths of travel
  • emergency access and exit routes and evacuation assembly points
  • restricted areas
  • rubbish and recycling stations bins.

Venue signage

A large venue or site should include signage to indicate the location of:

  • information tent 
  • first aid posts
  • toilets
  • drinking water sites
  • parking
  • emergency exits and evacuation points.

You might also consider signage to indicate different activity areas and programming on your stage.

Security bond

We may require you to complete an application and pay a bond for large events, to ensure the site or venue is returned to its original condition.

Promoting your event 

There are a range of ways you can let the community know about your event.

Promotional signage

Event organisers wishing to install promotional signage, such as event boards or variable message signs (VMS), will need permission from us and/or VicRoads. These signs may be placed at prominent intersections within the municipality. You must gain approval before putting up any promotional signs. 

Apply for signage approval

Follow these steps to get approval for your promotional signage.

1. Download and read our guidelines

Advertising signage on Council Land Guidelines - accessible(DOCX, 231KB)

Advertising signage on Council Land Guidelines(PDF, 100KB)

2. Download the event board application

Application for event board sign on Council owned land

Application form for board sign on council owned land(PDF, 359KB)

3. Complete and return the form

Email to

For more information about this process, contact our Events department on 03 9217 2170.

Make sure your signage meets our conditions

To gain approval a board sign must:

  • advertise a local educational, cultural, political, religious, social or recreational event
  • not be held for commercial purposes
  • be no larger than 5 m2
  • be externally illuminated only
  • not have sponsor advertising or identification exceeding 10% of the sign's area.

Choosing sites for your signs

When selecting your preferred sites, please consider each sign's position and the impact it may have in interfering with the view of road users.

Any incorrectly installed sign that creates a safety hazard will be removed, regardless of whether permission has been granted.

Quantity and duration of signs

  • Only three signs may be displayed on each approved site.
  • Don't put up signs more than four weeks before the event date.
  • Remove signs on the first working day after the event has ended.

Variable message signs

Any event seeking to use variable message signs (VMS) to promote an event will need a planning permit.

VMS boards used as part of a Traffic Management Plan (TMP), or as a condition or requirement of a Memorandum of Authorisation (MOA) do not require a separate planning permit as these signs will only be used to direct and assist traffic flow. 

Apply for a planning permit

VicRoads signage permits

If promotional signs (static or VMS) are to be installed on major arterial roads, a permit application must be submitted through VicRoads.

Find out how to get VicRoads permission for your event


Promote your event on our website

We publish community events free on our website, provided they are:

  • one-off or annual events, rather than regular year-round meetings
  • held within the City of Whittlesea or deemed relevant to the citizens of the municipality
  • free, non-profit or fundraising activities (rather than commercial ventures), or funded or sponsored by us. 

Publication on our website does not authorise you to hold your event, and you must ensure you have all relevant permits and approvals.

Submit your event to our calendar

Car parking

When choosing your event site it is important you consider how people will get there.

Consider if there is enough parking on or near the site to provide safe access to the venue.

You should encourage patrons to get to your event on public transport by promoting the available transport options.

If there is not enough parking at the venue, there may be an area nearby that can be used for overflow parking. If you are using overflow parking you will need to include information about it in your promotional material. You'll also need to provide signage on the day.

Changes to parking may require you to seek and obtain consent from the relevant authority.

Reserve some parking spaces in the venue parking area for those who cannot manage the walk from the overflow car park to the event.

You can engage an organisation to manage traffic and parking at your event. Some service organisations, such as SES and Rotary may be able to do this for a donation.

For information about parking and traffic management call us on 03 9217 2170.

Event permits and requirements

The permits needed for your events depend on the type of event you are planning. Find out what permits and requirements apply to your event.

Marquees and staging

Consider if you need to put up temporary structures such as stages, large marquees or stalls at your event.

If you do, you may need to an occupancy permit for a Places of Public Entertainment (POPE). A POPE may be required if these structures exceed a particular size or if you are charging an entry fee to your event. As outlined in the Building Act 1993, a POPE may apply even if you plan to use an existing building as your event site.

Once you have completed our online application form, you'll be advised if you need a POPE or any other regulatory permits.

If your event does need a POPE, you will need to complete and submit a POPE application form and pay the nominated fee.

Find out more about Place of Public Entertainment Occupancy Permits

Read the Victorian Building Authority's information about POPEs

Filming permits

If want to do any filming, including still photography, within public gardens, reserves, roadways or footpaths in the City of Whittlesea, you need to obtain a filming permit. Student and non-profit filming also requires a permit, but no fee applies.

Apply for a filming permit

Food and drink

If you are planning to sell food and drink, or organise food vendors at your event, they need to register under the statewide registration and notification system Foodtrader.

This is an online system for businesses and community groups to register with their principal council (the council where the business name is registered) as well as providing notification of where the event is being held. 

All temporary food premises trading at your event, including stalls and mobile food vans, must have current Food Act registration from their principal council.

For each event they wish to trade at, the food vendor must submit a Statement of Trade through Foodtrader. This must be lodged at least five working days prior to trading.


If you are planning to sell alcohol at your event, you will need to contact the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) to obtain a Temporary Limited Liquor Licence and pay a licence fee.

You will need to follow their conditions, which may include notifying police, fencing in an area and ensuring staff and volunteers have completed training in responsible serving of alcohol.

For more information contact VCGLR on 1300 182 457 or visit their website.

Music and live performance

If you are playing live or recorded music you must be licensed by the Australasian Performing Rights Association (APRA).

Our local laws state that amplified sound and music must not interfere with the quiet enjoyment of any other person using Council land or a public place. As organisers you need to monitor the level of noise at your event.

Footpath trading

If your event includes any commercial activity on the footpath you need to abide by our Footpath Trading Policy. This includes holding a Footpath Trading Permit. This permit carries a fee and requires five working days for an application to be processed.

Footpath trading is the use of footpaths for commercial activities such as outdoor dining and the display of goods. Footpaths less than 2.5 m wide may not be used for footpath trading.

Find out more about Footpath Trading Permits

Amusement rides

If you are planning any kind of amusements or rides, you need to ensure the equipment providers have:

You must provide records from your contractors to prove this. If you are planning on bringing any type of amusement ride on to Council-owned or managed land, you must first get approval via our events permit process. You may be required to pay a bond.

See WorkSafe's amusement ride hire checklist

Fundraising activities

If you are having any fundraising activities at your event you will need to apply for a fundraising permit at least eight weeks prior.

Find out more about fundraising permits

Unless you are exempt, you will also need to register with Consumer Affairs Victoria before you can begin fundraising. There is no fee to register as a fundraiser. For more information, phone Consumer Affairs Victoria on 1300 558 181 or visit their website for information about fundraising.


Public liability insurance is necessary for public events. The amount of cover you'll need depends on your activities. A minimum of $20 million in coverage is needed for all events presented in the City of Whittlesea. You will need to submit a copy of your public liability insurance with your application for event approval.

Applications that fail to provide evidence of their current cover will not be assessed. You may need to provide us with proof that your public liability insurance is current.

For more information visit Our Community's insurance information section and enter ‘events’ in the search bar.

Make your event accessible to all

You should consider whether your event will be accessible to everyone, particular people who:

  • have limited mobility
  • have a hearing or visual impairment
  • may need some other assistance at your event.

Please refer to the Accessible Events guide for further information on how to make your event accessible and inclusive.

Road closures and traffic management

You need to consider whether your event will require road closures, changes to traffic conditions or will affect traffic or public transport routes. Use this link to find a local area transport map for Whittlesea.

Access a map of transport routes in the area

If your event affects public transport

It's a legal requirement to notify PTV of an event that is likely to impact on public transport.

Once you've submitted an event notification form to PTV, they will establish the overall impact to public transport, and determine the impact on public transport operators.

PTV require notifications be submitted 120 days before your event and can impose fines on events that impact public transport and have failed to submit the necessary notification.

If your event affects roads or footpaths

If your event requires a temporary road or footpath closure, or you want to erect directional signage on roads or footpaths, you must get consent from the relevant road authority.

Local roads

If your event involves a local road closure or changes to local traffic conditions, you will need to have a Traffic Management Plan. This must be prepared by a traffic management company or authorised person and submitted as part of your Event Permit application 12 weeks before your event date.

The plan needs to outline:

  • who you or your organisation represents
  • why and when you wish to hold the event
  • details of the location for the event and road closure required
  • what routes and streets will be involved
  • a contact name, address and telephone number
  • how the road closure will be managed (a traffic management company or qualified individuals)
  • where signage will go to inform the public.

We'll then send you correspondence outlining any issues you must address and the information you must provide before the event can take place.

You'll need to hold a public liability insurance policy for at least $20 million to insure all parties against any actions, costs, claims or damages that may arise from the event.

You may also need to write to directly affected residents and businesses, notify emergency services providers and take out a public notice in the local paper.

Cycling events

If you're running a competitive cycling event please contact Victoria Police's Road Safety Awareness and Information Unit on 03 9247 5754 for specific advice and guidance.

Learn more about cycling event permits at AusCycling

Check out Safe Work Australia's traffic management information for more detail about managing traffic around your event.

Event amenities

Make sure people attending you event are safe and comfortable by having all necessary amenities.

Electricity and power

If your chosen site doesn't have a power supply, you may need to bring in generators or use battery-powered appliances.

You'll need to consider how much power you will require for your event. For example, a large public address (PA) system and lights may require three-phase power. Not having enough power to run your event, or having generators in the wrong place, can cause major issues including power outages and damage to equipment.

You should know what power each electrical appliance will draw when planning for your power needs.

Generator companies will often assist you in working out your requirements. You may need a qualified electrician on site to assist with the use of the generator and all your electrical needs.

View Energy Safe Victoria's guidelines


You should ensure there are enough toilets on site.

Outdoor events require a ratio of one toilet to every 200 people, plus one toilet with wheelchair access and baby change facilities.

If there are not enough toilets on site you will need to hire portable toilets. There are a range of portable toilets available. Search online for local suppliers.

First aid

You may need to provide first aid at your event. You should contact a first aid provider and request they attend your event. You may need to pay a fee.

You should determine how many first aiders and first aid locations you need, depending on how many people are coming to your event and what activities are occurring. Your first aid provider can advise you.


You should consider whether your event will be accessible to the whole community, particularly people who:

  • have limited mobility
  • have a hearing or visual impairment
  • may need some other assistance at your event.

Please refer to this Meetings and Events Australia guide for further information on how to make your event accessible and inclusive.

Waste management

We are committed to minimising the impact of community and Council-run events on the environment. We encourage all events to be free of polystyrene packaging, and plastic items such as balloons, straws and bags.

As the event organiser it's your responsibility to ensure that all waste is disposed of correctly.

Community groups can use our community bin trailer at their event, which includes bins for rubbish and for recyclable materials, and appropriately labelled bin lids.

Items to avoid

  • products with excessive packaging such as individually wrapped condiments and pre-packaged sugar
  • polystyrene containers and cups
  • balloons, plastic bags and plastic straws
  • plastic water bottles.

Ways to reduce waste

  • use re-useable plates, cups and cutlery (rather than disposable)
  • supply food and drinks in minimal packaging that is also recyclable
  • use paper lanterns, bubbles, flags or bunting instead of plastic balloons
  • use paper straws instead of plastic straws
  • when selecting food vendors for your event, consider what packaging and serving items will be used and how it's disposed
  • give preference to vendors who use packages made of vegetable products, such as cornstarch plates and cutlery, that are compostable and break down easily when disposed of
  • encourage visitors to BYO drink bottle, coffee cup and bag
  • place rubbish and recycling bins side by side and use signage on bins to assist patrons to sort waste properly.

Taking these actions will help to reduce waste sent to landfill and contamination in the recycling bins. It could also save you money.

Choose sustainable food vendors

When deciding which food vendors you will have at your event, consider asking them a few questions about the sustainability of their packaging and serving items.

Give preference to vendors who use packaging made of vegetable products, such as cornstarch plates and cutlery. These are compostable and are broken down easily when disposed of.

Safety, security and risk management

All events need to be run safely. Planning what you'll do in case of an emergency or if something goes wrong is essential. Some aspects of your event may present more risks than others and should be given special consideration.

Risk management factors to consider

  • alcohol
  • electrical safety
  • temporary structures
  • lost children
  • crowd demographics
  • weather conditions
  • potential crowd crush
  • vehicle access and movement
  • gas safety.

Victoria Police has a range of resources for event organisers, including Guidelines for Public Events.

Go to the Victoria Police events page


Event management plan

You have a duty of care to the people who attend your event, your staff and volunteers, and any other participants, such as performers or contractors. Liability may arise if this duty is breached and there is injury or damage to property.

As an event organiser, you should put together an event management plan detailing the processes and procedures and the trained support in place to act in case of an emergency. The plan should include:

  • contacts for the event
  • details of all permits, permission and compliance notices as required
  • an evacuation plan for the site or venue detailing:
    • evacuation points
    • assembly points
    • emergency services locations
    • fire extinguishers locations.
  • what you will do in case of:
    • lost/found people
    • medical emergency
    • fire at the event
    • lost property
    • bomb or other threat
    • extreme weather
    • electrical safety
    • complaints.

You should nominate wardens and safety officers for your event. Safety officers are responsible for the safe operations of fire safety equipment, evacuation processes, safety barriers and exits.

You should also consider whether you require security guards or crowd control during the event or if you will be leaving equipment on-site overnight.

Find out more about occupational health and safety at major events

Extreme weather conditions

You should plan what you'll do if extreme weather conditions are predicted and consider if your event would go ahead.

Extreme weather conditions can affect the ability of even the best planned events to go ahead. Such conditions could be a heat wave, high winds, total fire ban, heavy rain, electrical storms or a Code Red bushfire threat.

The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) issues weather predictions that include information on wind, temperature, rain, flood and fire danger. When extreme weather conditions are forecast weather warnings are announced on the BOM website, TV and radio news. 

If extreme weather conditions are forecast you should consider modifying, postponing or cancelling your event. Your decision will depend on:

  • the severity of the conditions
  • recommendations from emergency services
  • the activities planned at your event
  • inherent risks on the site.

If a heatwave occurs

An example of an extreme weather event could be a heatwave. In this case you might make safety modifications that include:

  • providing extra shelter and shade
  • providing extra water to patrons
  • providing extra sunscreen
  • providing first aid to treat any cases of heat stress
  • ensuring your workers and volunteers have extra breaks
  • ensuring your workers and volunteers are wearing appropriate clothing such as hats and long sleeved shirts
  • ensuring there is information about symptoms of heat stress freely available.

Fire Danger Period

November to April is declared a Fire Danger Period by the Country Fire Authority (CFA). During this time there are restrictions on what activities can occur in the CFA-controlled areas.

On days of Total Fire Ban you may need to cancel or modify activities that involve naked flames such as barbeques. Alternatively, you could apply to Fire Rescue Victoria or the Country Fire Authority for a permit for exemption (Section 14 or 40 permit).

On days declared as Code Red by the Fire Authorities, events in bushfire-prone areas should be cancelled or postponed.

Apply for a Fire Danger Period Permit

Notify those who may be affected

It's good practice to inform the affected residents in the community and emergency services about your event.

Groups you may need to inform about your event include:

Community grants

The City of Whittlesea’s Community Grants are available all year round. The grants are available to people in the City of Whittlesea to support local events.

Learn how to apply on the Community Grants page

For further information and advice about running events in the City of Whittlesea contact our Event department at or call 03 9217 2170.