Norris Bank Reserve

Aerial view of playground including a shelter and barbeque

This park features 6 tennis courts, pavilion and clubrooms, bocce rink, walking and bike path, playground, electric barbecues, public toilets - including accessible toilet, car parking, basketball court, liberty swing, picnic rotunda and off-leash dog area.

The recently upgraded play space and picnic area includes:

  • 6m high play tower with slides, monkey bars, rope play and interactive elements
  • water play
  • double flying fox
  • liberty swing
  • beginners skate/scooter loop
  • nature play cubby building
  • picnic facilities with shelters and barbecues
  • toilets (including a Changing Places facility).

Download the Norris Bank Reserve brochure(PDF, 5MB)

Off-leash dog area

The dog off-leash area is in the east of the reserve. Entry on the right, after Fifer Rise.

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135 McLeans Road, Bundoora 3083  View Map

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