Why yoga is a great way to get active


Several myths deter people from yoga – and instructor Susie Keratiotis is keen to dispel them. 

The Sassy Yoga owner, who teaches Hatha and Ashtanga yoga at the Northern Wellbeing Centre in Epping, says people often believe they need to be “young and bendy” and able to stand on their heads. 

Others are put off because they think yoga is religious or spiritual, she says.

But Susie, 51, says yoga is whatever a participant wants it to be. 

“There’s a saying that you never regret going to a yoga class. I think the reason is because when you leave you are almost always nice and calm, settled energetically. You may have rebalanced yourself from the breathing – that calms down the mind,” she says. 

“People think they can’t do yoga because they’re not flexible, but you go to yoga to work on your flexibility. You’re working on basically all aspects of your physicality and you’re working all parts of your body – the spine, arms, upper body, the legs, the hips. It’s a complete program for the whole body."

“Yoga is not ageist, it’s not sexist, it’s not culturally inhibiting.” 

Susie became a teacher a decade ago after enjoying yoga in her 20s, training in Byron Bay and at the Yoga and Meditation School of India in Caulfield. She credits the practice with strengthening her physical and mental health, saying it helped her overcome a messy divorce and to navigate single parenthood as she “kept hitting the mat”. 

“For me, yoga ticks the three boxes – mind, body and spirit."

"Basically, yoga is the complete package for me,” she says. “The spiritual part can be controversial. However, spirit can mean whatever you want it to.” 

Susie says a class typically involves various body movements, breathing techniques to calm the mind, and the class finishes with a relaxation. 

She says yoga is for every body type and different movement options are always given.

She also runs children’s classes and chair yoga for less mobile people. 

“Yoga will get your body moving in ways that it may not move in everyday life, so initially it may feel a little bit different,” she says. “A total novice shouldn’t be afraid to give it a go – I will always encourage them to go at their own pace.” 

Benefits of yoga practice

  • Yoga increases your flexibility to keep your spine young. 
  • It keeps your body supple - “The tree that bends doesn’t break.” 
  • Yoga helps you connect with your body, instead of working against your body.
  • Yogis say “all roads lead to yourself” - yoga improves the relationship you have with your body. 
  • It helps you feel calm and reduces anxiety. 
  • It raises a sweat.

Tips for attending yoga classes

  • Don’t eat a full meal beforehand. 
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing (but not too baggy as it can get in the way).
  • Even though you’ll be given instructions, always listen to your own body. 
  • They say the hardest muscle to control is the mind.
  • All yoga requires is a willingness.