Community Satisfaction Survey

About the survey

The Annual Community Satisfaction Survey is a state-wide initiative conducted across all Victorian councils to assess customer satisfaction with local government services. This survey provides valuable insights into how residents perceive various service areas, helping councils benchmark their performance and identify areas for improvement.

The survey is conducted by independent research company 3arc Social Pty Ltd and gathers feedback from a representative sample of more than 800 residents randomly selected and invited to participate in the online survey. Council is required by legislation to provide data from this survey to inform the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF).

All responses remain anonymous and the survey only takes approximately 11 minutes to complete. Your feedback helps shape the future of services in the City of Whittlesea.

2025 Community Satisfaction Survey is here

We’re excited to announce that our annual community satisfaction survey is live now. Participants, chosen randomly, will receive a letter or email with all the details.

How it works

Receive an invitation

If you are chosen from our random selection, you’ll receive an invitation to take part in a digital survey via email or letter with a unique code to your household. 

Share your insights

Share your experience by completing our user-friendly digital survey.

Help us improve our community

Your input influences projects and services.

Responding to the survey allows residents to provide valuable insights about how they perceive various service areas, helping councils benchmark their performance and identify areas for improvement.  

These surveys aren't about specific programs or policies. They're designed to give us a better understanding of the experiences of residents living in the City of Whittlesea.

Why your feedback matters

Survey responses help us to:  

  • expand our knowledge and understanding of the community
  • measure community outcomes and progress towards our Whittlesea 2040 Vision
  • prioritise and allocate resources where they are most needed
  • identify areas for improvement and modify service delivery as required 
  • understand what has changed for the community over time.

The data provides meaningful information to achieve the goals in Whittlesea 2040: A place for all.

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2023

The Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2023 was conducted during February and March 2023 by JWS Research on behalf of the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (formerly Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning). Services are rated by an index score which is a weighted score out of 100.

Summary of core measures 

   City of Whittlesea  Interface  Statewide
   2023 2022  change  2023  2022  change  2023  2022  change 
Overall Performance 55 59 -4 51 56 -5 56 59 -3
Value for money 51 55 -4 48 51 -3 49 53 -4
Community consultation 52 55 -3 49 52 -3 52 54 -2
Managing community decisions 53 57 -4 49 53 -4 51 54 -3
Sealed local roads 53 59 -6 45 53 -8 48 53 -5
Waste management 70 69 1 67 69 -2 66 68 -2
Customer service 68 73 -5 65 68 -3 67 68 -1
Overall Council direction 46 51 -5 43 48 -5 46 50 -4
Average 56.0 59.8 -3.75 52.1 56.3 -4.13 54.4 57.4 -3

Summary of other measures 

   City of Whittlesea  Interface  Statewide
   2023 2022  change 2023 2022   change 2023  2022  change 
Art centres & libraries 68 67 1 70 69 1 73 73 0
Emergency and disaster management 67 69 -2 62 64 -2 65 66 -1
Covid-19 response 66 69 -3 64 66 -2 67 69 -2
Informing the community 55 57 -2 53 56 -3 57 59 -2
Community decisions 53 57 -4 49 53 -4 51 54 -3
Appearance of public areas 52 60 -8 56 62 -6 67 71 -4
Local streets and footpaths 52 57 -5 47 54 -7 52 57 -5
Lobbying 52 55 -3 47 51 -4 51 53 -2
Average 58.1 61.4 -3.25 56.0 59.4 -3.4 60.4 62.8 -2.38

Frequently asked questions

Who can participate?

Residents are randomly selected from our database and invited to participate via mail or email. Some may also receive an SMS notification with a link to the survey. 

To participate, you must be: 

  • 18 years or older 

  • A current resident of the City of Whittlesea 

Each invitation includes a unique link to ensure one-time participation. 

What will I be asked to do?

If you are selected to take part in the study, you will receive a letter or an email with detailed instructions on how to complete the survey. You will be requested to click a link in the email or scan a QR code and enter your unique number to access the digital survey. 

If you have seen an ad for the survey, you can simply click through to complete the survey.  

The survey will take you approximately 11 minutes to complete.  

You will have three to four weeks to respond to the survey.  

What type of questions will I be asked?

Each survey has a different set of questions to help us learn about your experiences living in the City of Whittlesea. We are not looking for specific feedback about programs or polices in these surveys, instead we want to learn more from our community about changing trends over time. 

Depending on the survey you receive, you may be asked about: 

  • service delivery 

  • programs

  • areas of responsibility.

The information you provide will be combined with responses from other members of the community to produce statistical data for the City of Whittlesea. 

Can I complete the survey in a language other than English?

Yes. At the beginning of the survey, select your preferred language.

To use the free interpreter service, call 131 450.

Will I hear about the results of the survey?

We publish a summary of our findings on our website for the community to view. The results will also be published in strategic reports that we are required to deliver to keep information transparent and accountable to the community and other government levels.

Who can I contact if I need further information?

For more information about the Annual Community Satisfaction Survey or for assistance in completing the survey, please contact Customer Service on 03 9217 2170 and ask to speak to a member of the Research Department.