Community Safety and Crime Prevention Strategy

Feeling safe in your home and neighbourhood is an important part of everyone's health and wellbeing, and we know that safety is an important issue for our residents.

We work closely with local police and community organisations to plan for a healthy and safe community through the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee, which is co-chaired with Victoria Police.  

Our Community Safety and Crime Prevention Strategy 2016-2020 aims to improve safety and minimise crime by partnering with local police and relevant agencies.

Goals of the strategy

The goals of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Strategy 2016-2020.

  • Local environment is safe, welcoming and promotes community connection.
  • Crime against public and private property is minimised.
  • Young people have education pathways and meaningful opportunities.
  • Dangerous driving is minimised.
  • Harms and negative impacts of financial vulnerability on community safety are minimised.
  • Harms from alcohol are minimised.
  • Harms from illicit drugs are minimised.
  • Women and children live free from family violence.
  • Employment programs are provided for key population groups.
  • Negative community safety impacts from electronic and online crime are minimised.

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

We use Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in different ways across the municipality including:

  • fixed CCTV to monitor and protect Council infrastructure and community centres
  • portable CCTV in high-risk locations to support enforcement of local laws such as dumping of rubbish.

Signage indicating CCTV is operating is always displayed in a prominent position.

The CCTV is not actively monitored. 

Why we use CCTV

The primary use of CCTV is to discourage and/or detect unlawful behaviour in and around a specific area to enhance the safety and security of people and property.

View our Community Safety and Crime Prevention Strategy 2016-2020

Download and view our Community Safety and Crime Prevention Strategy 2016-2020.

CSCP Strategy(PDF, 548KB)

CSCP Strategy - plain text(PDF, 722KB)

CSCP Strategy - accessible(DOCX, 465KB)