Gambling Strategy and Action Plan

Gambling on electronic gaming machines (EGMs or ‘pokies’) is a legitimate recreational activity enjoyed by some of our residents. However, gambling has the potential to cause negative social and economic impacts for individuals, their family and friends, workplaces and the wider community.

  • In 2013 and 2014, people lost $96,219,038 on pokies in the City of Whittlesea.
  • We have 660 EGMs in ten venues across the municipality – at six hotels and four clubs.
  • There are 4.66 pokies per 1000 adults in the municipality.
  • Annual average expenditure on pokies per adult is $692 – higher than the state average.

What we're doing

We understand that problem gambling can have a devastating effect on individuals, families, businesses and the wider community, and we’re committed to reducing the impacts of gambling across the City of Whittlesea.

We identified it as a priority goal in the Council Plan 2013-2017 Shaping Our Future and Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan.

About the plan

We adopted a Gambling Strategy and Action Plan 2014 - 2024 in December 2014 that defines our role in tackling this issue over the next decade. It details our approach to gambling on EGMs and to a lesser extent, online gambling.

We undertook community consultation and detailed research to inform this strategy. If you would like a copy of Gambling Background Paper 2013 or the Gambling Consultation Report 2013 that informed this strategy, contact us on 03 9217 2170.