Lifelong Learning Strategy and Action Plan

Our strategy and action plan aims to guide us in developing a strong and positive learning culture within the City of Whittlesea and improving learning outcomes for members of our community.

Lifelong learning refers to the activities a person performs throughout their life to improve their knowledge, skills and competence.

Research shows that people who engage in lifelong learning are more likely to have better employment opportunities, higher incomes, better health and greater ability to manage their money.

Evidence indicates that by enhancing the individual and collective learning opportunities in our community, we can help improve:

  • community connections
  • skills for life and work
  • employment outcomes
  • confidence
  • health and wellbeing.

Lifelong learning is a community priority and is articulated across many future directions within the Community Plan – Shaping Our Future 2030.

View our strategy and action plan

Lifelong Learning Strategy Action Plan(PDF, 242KB)

Lifelong Learning Strategy Action Plan - Plain Text(PDF, 715KB)

Lifelong Learning Strategy Action Plan - Accessible(DOCX, 2MB)