Open Space Strategy

About our strategy

In 2016 we adopted our Open Space Strategy that sets out the future planning, design and management of our open spaces.

Key aims of the strategy are outlined below.


Open spaces need to be located within easy and safe walking distance of living and working areas.

Health and wellbeing

Provide spaces for people to enjoy, encourage sport and exercise and green spaces with trees and grass.


Create diverse areas, sizes and facilities that appeal and are accessible to everyone.


Offer open spaces that embrace and support cultural diversity and are equitably funded by the existing and future population.


Promote sustainable spaces that protect and strengthen our natural environment (e.g.: water use, promote walking/cycling).


Provide spaces that connect neighbourhoods.


Create spaces that protect and celebrate Indigenous and non-Indigenous values.


Protect significant biodiversity (ie. Remnant River Red Gums) and other indigenous vegetation so future generations can enjoy them.

Types of open spaces

Each type of open space in our municipality has a specific role to play – depending on its size, location and character.

State open space

A State open space is of significance to the State Government.

State open spaces in the City of Whittlesea:

  • Plenty Gorge Park
  • Yan Yean Reserve.

Regional open space

Regional open space caters to a broader regional catchment.

Regional open spaces in the City of Whittlesea include:

  • Merri Creek
  • Darebin Creek Linear Trails.

Municipal open space

Municipal open space provides for the recreational needs of the municipality.

Municipal open spaces in the City of Whittlesea:

Explore local parks and reserves

Neighbourhood open space

Neighbourhood open space provides facilities within walking distance of home or work.

Neighourhood open spaces in the City of Whittlesea:

  • Mimosa Park in Mill Park
  • Lorne Park in Lalor
  • Botanica Park in Bundoora.

Explore local parks and reserves

Local open space

Local open spaces are located within easy and safe walking distance from home or work, and provide enough space to have two activities in the one open space.

Local open spaces in the City of Whittlesea:

  • Prince of Wales Park in Mill Park
  • Silky Oak Park in Bundoora
  • Victoria Park in Thomastown.

Explore local parks and reserves

Small local open space

Small local open spaces are located within an easy and safe walk from home or work and smaller in size compared to local open space.

Small local open spaces in the City of Whittlesea:

  • Kellaway Crescent Park in Mill Park
  • Japonica Park in Bundoora.

Explore local parks and reserves

Small local link

Small local link spaces provide improved connectivity between streets and open space.

Usually less than .05 hectares in size, with a minimum width of 10 metres.

Find your nearest open space

Find your nearest park or playground.

Explore local parks and reserves

Strategy recommendations

Below are some of the recommendations from the strategy.

  • Construction of additional shared trail and walking path links to improve the connectivity and accessibility between open spaces.
  • Four key existing open space reserves have been selected to create destination community parks. Major upgrades planned include regional playgrounds, multi-use courts, fitness stations, picnic and BBQ facilities, public toilets and car parking at the following locations:
  • 11 new open spaces have been identified for future local and small local open space areas. We will be undertaking a more detailed assessment of these sites.
  • Future open space designs will incorporate water sensitive measures including water harvesting to promote environmental sustainability.

Decisions about park facilities

We have established a guide for the range of facilities and features that are appropriate in the different kinds of open space we have in the municipality.

This guides decisions made by us, developers and other agencies when undertaking future upgrades for existing open space and the establishment of new open space.

Provision of facilities documents

Download and view our guide to the provision of facilities in parks documents:

Guide to provision of facilities(PDF, 117KB)

Guide to provision of facilities - accessible PDF(PDF, 123KB)

Guide to provision of facilities - accessible(DOCX, 19KB)

Public toilets in parks

Not all of our parks and open spaces feature public toilets.

When deciding whether a park or open space will include public toilets, we consider the size of the park and its uses, this is as the ongoing maintenance of public toilets can cost up to $150,000. Public toilets are also prone to vandalism and damage.

Public toilets are typically installed at parks and open space reserves that are classified as State open space or Regional open space.

Find your local public toilets