Strong Local Economy Strategy

About our strategy

The Strong Local Economy strategy was guided by our Whittlesea 2040: A place for all plan and developed in consultation with:

  • community
  • businesses
  • industry
  • educational institutions.

The strategy:

  • sets out the economy we want and outlines how this will positively impact our community
  • provides an overview of our existing economy
  • identifies the challenges and opportunities facing our local economy – including the impact and ongoing effects of COVID-19
  • defines our priority areas for action and what we'll do to contribute to strengthening our local economy between 2022–2026
  • outlines how we will monitor our economy to ensure our actions respond to what our community needs. 

The strategy also sets out priorities for action under the following key directions:

  • Increased local employment.
  • Education opportunities for all.
  • Successful, innovative local businesses.

Download and view our Strong Local Economy strategy

Strong local economy strategy(PDF, 3MB)

Strong local economy strategy - accessible(DOCX, 447KB)

Strong Local Economy action plan

The Strong Local Economy action plan 2024–2026 sets out the actions we'll focus on delivering in the final years of the strategy.

It's made up of the key actions from the Community Plan and tier three plans and summarises what we will do to build employment, educational opportunities and innovative enterprises of all sizes. The ultimate aim is to develop and deliver a thriving and inclusive economy for all.

Tier three plan areas

  • Agrifood.
  • Biodiversity.
  • Circular economy.
  • Economic participation.
  • Investment attraction. 

Actions are set out under three key directions, the outcomes they are contributing to and our role in delivering on each action.

An action plan will be developed for each year in line with our Community Plan and actions included to be subject to consideration of our annual budget process.

Download and view our Strong Local Economy action plan

Strong local economy action plan 2024-2026(PDF, 6MB)

Strong local economy action plan 2024-2026 - accessible(DOCX, 83KB)