Publicly available documents

Under the Local Government Act 2020, we're required to make certain documents publicly available.

We're happy to, because it promotes good governance, openness and accountability, and is in line with our Public Transparency Policy 2023.

If you'd like to arrange an inspection of any of the documents listed below which you can't access online, please contact the Governance team on 03 9217 2170 or email

Public Transparency Policy

Our Public Transparency Policy outlines how we ensure transparency in our decision-making processes and the availability of information. This policy, adopted on September 19, 2023, guides us in adhering to key principles of open governance.

Download the Policy

Public Transparency Policy(PDF, 242KB)

Public Transparent Policy - accessible(DOCX, 77KB)

Types of information available

Our commitment to transparency means you have access to a wide range of Council information, including but not limited to:


  • plans and reports adopted by Council
  • council policies
  • project and service plans
  • templates concerning grant applications, tenders and tender evaluation material
  • service agreements, contracts, leases and licences
  • council leases, permits and notices of building and occupancy
  • relevant technical reports and / or research that informs decision making.

Process information:

 Council records (available on Council’s website): 

  • agendas and minutes of council meetings (excluding confidential information).
  • records and terms of reference for Council Advisory Committees meetings.
  • submissions - made to other government levels and submissions received under section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 before it was repealed. As well as those received through any other community engagement efforts by the Council.

Registers for public inspection

The following registers are available for public inspection:

Personal Interest Returns

Under the Local Government Act 2020, Councillors and key staff at the City of Whittlesea are required to submit records of their personal interests to the Council.

This practice of declaring personal and conflicting interests is crucial for ensuring decisions are made impartially and helps build community trust in our decision-making processes.

Who needs to submit personal interest returns?

The following people:

  • An Administrator.
  • The Chief Executive Officer.
  • All members of ELT (Directors and Executive Managers).
  • All Managers.
  • Members of staff who have a statutory or delegated power, duty or function and have been nominated by the CEO because of the nature of their duties or functions of their role.

Submission timeline

A Personal Interest Return must be completed within 30 days of starting their role, and then twice a year, in March and September.

The Victorian Government imposes penalties for false and incomplete information provided in any Personal Interest Return and for failing to lodge the Personal Interest Return within the legislated timeframes.

Download summary of the Personal Interest Returns

Personal Interest Returns 2024(XLSX, 37KB)


We can exercise our powers in two ways: either collectively, during Council meetings, or individually, through members of the Council staff who act on our behalf.

How decisions are made

We can use our powers either by making decisions during Council meetings or by having Council staff act on our behalf.

Most of the Council's decisions are made through a system of delegations. This system allows the Council to focus more on broad strategic policies rather than everyday administrative or operational issues.

Delegations transfer the responsibility of decision-making from the Council and the CEO to other staff members who have the right skills and knowledge. Any decision made by a delegate is legally considered a decision of the Council.

Legal framework

Under the Local Government Act 2020 and other laws, there are provisions for appointing delegates to act for the Council.

Delegations can be:

  • made directly to the CEO

  • made directly to other members of Council staff.

The Delegations Policy and Procedural Guidelines(PDF, 176KB) provide a framework for delegating authority.

This structure aims to increase efficiency by allowing decisions to be made at the most appropriate level within the organisation and ensures the best outcomes for Council and the community.

Instrument  Last reviewed 
1. Council to the CEO(PDF, 190KB) 27 June 2022
2. Council to Members of Council Staff(PDF, 677KB) 18 June 2024
3. CEO Sub-Delegation of Council Powers Duties and Functions to Members of Council Staff(PDF, 2MB) 4 June 2024
4. CEO Powers Duties and Functions to Members of Council Staff(PDF, 2MB) 4 June 2024
5. CEO to Members of Council Staff for VicSmart Applications (Planning and Environment Act 1987)(PDF, 822KB) 4 June 2024
6. Financial Delegation from CEO to Members of Council Staff(PDF, 105KB) 13 July 2022
7. Instrument of Sub-Delegation from Council to Members of Council Staff- Powers under the Environment Protection Act(PDF, 337KB) 6 September 2021
8. Instrument of Delegation of the MFPO under Country Fire Authority Act 1958(PDF, 85KB) 17 November 2022
9. Instrument of Delegation of the MFPO under the Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958(PDF, 84KB) 17 November 2022

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee is an independent advisory committee that reports to us and provides appropriate advice and recommendations on relevant issues.

Its main function is to help us meet its governance responsibilities to the community by overseeing, reviewing, and advising on issues within its scope.

The Committee does not have executive authority or financial responsibilities and is therefore, independent of management.

Download the Audit and Risk Charter

Audit and Risk Committee Charter(PDF, 1MB)

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) requires us to provide the public with access to certain Council information. This Act ensures that individuals and organisations can effectively exercise their right to obtain access to government information which may affect them.   

You can request access to Council documents through the Freedom of Information Act.

Need to submit an application?

Visit our Freedom of information page

Download the Freedom of Information statement

Freedom of Information Part II Statement(PDF, 2MB)

Freedom of Information Part II Statement - Accessible(DOCX, 726KB)