Botanica Park Master Plan

We've developed a Master Plan to improve Botanica Park in Bundoora.

About the master plan

In preparing the master plan, we studied the site and reviewed relevant plans and strategies. We also spoke to members of the community to hear their ideas for the park. These ideas became part of the draft plan. 

The main priority identified for Botanica Park was an upgraded playspace with a picnic and social gathering area. The plan also identified future projects to improve the park.

What the plan includes

The master plan proposed a new playground, barbecue facilities, and open space for the community to enjoy.

Other features include:

  • fitness equipment
  • a secondary picnic area
  • upgraded walking parks
  • improved water conditions in the park ponds
  • improved pedestrian access at McKimmies Road.

Phase 1 of the works at Botanica Park was completed in April 2018.

Download the plan

Download Botanica Park Master Plan - accessible(DOCX, 33KB)

Download Botanica Park Master Plan(PDF, 4MB)