485 Cooper Street Epping Development Plan

The Development Plan applies to 485 Cooper Street Epping and will guide the future development of the land for employment purposes.

What the plan includes

The purpose of the Development Plan is:

  • To implement the Municipal Planning Strategy and the Planning Policy Framework
  • To guide the form and conditions of future use and development on the site before a permit can be granted to use or develop the land
  • To exempt an application from notice and review
  • To respond to the relevant requirements of DPO33 – Cooper Street South-West Employment Area.

View the plan

485 Cooper Street Epping Development Plan(PDF, 5MB)

Contact us

For more information on the development plan endorsed on 25 July 2024, contact our Strategic Futures department on 03 9217 2170 or strategic.planning@whittlesea.vic.gov.au