Plenty Valley Structure Plan

About the structure plan

The Plenty Valley Town Centre Structure Plan (2018) provides a strategic framework for planning, development and investment decisions over the next 20 years.

The Minister for Planning approved Amendment C204 to the Whittlesea Planning Scheme, which came into operation on 30 September 2021.

The amendment implements the Plenty Valley Town Centre Structure Plan by making various changes to the Whittlesea Planning Scheme, in order to guide the future development of the town centre.

Our vision for Plenty Valley Town Centre

“Plenty Valley Town Centre will have a unique civic and cultural identity supporting a vibrant mix of uses and activities.”

“It will be well connected, accessible via a range of transport options and have an attractive public realm with strong links to the natural landscape.”

The Plenty Valley Town Centre contains several important business, retail, community and transport activities including Westfield Plenty Valley and the South Morang Train Station.

The area is considered an important Activity Centre by the State Government.

Large areas of undeveloped land within the centre provide developmental potential. It’s important, however, that we have a framework to guide development in the area.

Amendment C204

The amendment to the Whittlesea Planning Scheme will allow for the implementation of the Plenty Valley Town Centre Structure Plan.

The amendment was approved by the Minister for Planning and came into operation on 30 September 2021.

What the amendment does

Among other things the amendment introduced a new schedule to the Activity Centre Zone (ACZ) which outlines the use and development controls for the town centre. 

The ACZ also recognises the five different precincts outlined in the structure plan and provides for specific land uses and development guidelines for each of these precincts. 

Planning policy has also been updated to ensure consistency with, and to give effect to, the structure plan.

The amendment also introduced a Parking Overlay (PO) to manage parking in the town centre and removed redundant planning controls.

Amendment C204 - Further Notice

In 2020, the Minister for Planning instructed Council to provide further notice of the Amendment to affected parties in Precinct 5 of the Structure Plan area.

Additional notice about the amendment was provided in April 2020 and the submissions received referred to a Planning Panel.

A panel hearing was conducted in March 2021.

For more information about Amendment C204, visit the DEWLP planning website.

What the structure plan includes

Over the last few years we have worked with a range of stakeholders to develop a plan that outlines a vision for the area.

Highlights from the plan include:

  • building additional public and community spaces
  • preserving views to the Quarry Hills
  • a transport hub providing for train, bus and future tram interchange
  • extension of Tram Route 86
  • improving pedestrian connectivity
  • creating additional local jobs
  • improving landscaping on main roads
  • imposing built-form controls for higher-density development
  • improving local road connections
  • providing additional entertainment and retail spaces
  • providing traffic calming and intersection treatments to make local roads safer
  • building additional housing close to public transport, shops and services.

Frequently asked questions

What is the Plenty Valley Town Centre Structure Plan?

The structure plan provides a coordinated plan to guide development and investment in the Plenty Valley Town Centre for the next 20 years. 

The plan identifies strategies and actions required to realise the vision of an attractive, accessible and vibrant Town Centre.

Will new development impact on existing residential areas?

New development located next to existing residential properties will need to comply with building and setback controls that will protect the amenity of existing residents. 

New development will be required to be setback from property boundaries and ensure that they do not have unreasonable overlooking or overshadowing impacts.

What impact will new development have on local roads?

New development in parts of the Town Centre will require some new roads to be built. This will provide opportunities to improve connectivity for local residents.

The proposed street network has been designed to improve connectivity for residents while discouraging non-local traffic from using local roads. Measures like intersection design and traffic calming measures will be used to protect the amenity of local residents.

How will car parking be addressed?

We've developed a Parking Precinct Plan for Plenty Valley Town Centre, which plans car parking within the town centre.

The planning scheme controls, approved as part of Amendment C204, include additional requirements and guidelines relating to car parking for new private developments.

The structure plan also identify the need for commuter parking near the South Morang Train Station, which is the responsibility of Public Transport Victoria (PTV).

What are the timelines for development?

  • The structure plan has been prepared based on a 20-year forward plan. New development will be constructed by private landowners and developers over time when demand arises.
  • Infrastructure items in the structure plan will be delivered over time. Some will be delivered as part of our Capital Works Program; however, most will be delivered as a requirement of new developments. 
  • More detailed work will need to be undertaken to introduce a Development Contributions Plan Overlay, specifying what new infrastructure is required and how this will be funded. This work is not expected to commence until the State Government has finalised its review of developer contributions in Strategic Development Areas.
  • Larger items such as the Tram Route 86 extension and arterial roads will be reliant on State Government funding.

Further information

For more information about the Plenty Valley Structure Plan and Amendment C204, search 'amendments' on the Department of Transport and Planning website.

For further information about the amendment please contact the our Strategic Futures Department on 03 9217 2170 or email