Parenting programs

Programs for new parents

We have a range of maternal and child health (MCH) programs to assist parents. The programs are designed and run by professionals and aimed to build parent and carer skills and confidence in areas such as feeding, sleeping, settling and general parent and child wellbeing.

To register your interest in these programs, talk to your maternal and child health nurse at your next visit. You can also contact our Maternal and Child Health department at or call 03 9217 2170

First Time Parent Group

The First Time Parent Group is all about supporting you in your new role as a parent. The program runs over five weeks and sessions are adapted to suit the needs of families.

Two adults and a child smile at the camera.

Group discussion may include:

  • transition to parenthood
  • sleep and settling
  • diet and active play
  • parenting resources
  • forming playgroups.

Gain benefits including:

  • increased confidence and independence in child-rearing
  • information on child health and development
  • meeting other first-time parents, sharing experiences and learning from each other
  • establishing friendships and social networks.

All first-time parents are invited to attend soon after the birth of their child. The groups suit parents with babies aged six to 12 weeks. 

Sleep and Settling Program

This program supports you to better understand your child’s sleep patterns and cues, and to create a safe sleeping environment.

Please speak to your maternal and child health nurse or call 03 9217 2170 to register to attend a sleep information session.

A baby lies on its back asleep.

Topics may include:

  • learning about how your baby sleeps and how it changes over time
  • ways to establish good sleeping habits with different strategies and techniques 
  • recognising your child’s cues and patterns around sleep
  • other supports available for you and your family. 

Download the brochures below: 

Download the Term 1 brochures

For Birth to 6 months newborn babies

Newborn birth to 6 months Sleep and Settling(PDF, 1MB)

Newborn birth to 6 months Sleep and Settling - Accessible(DOCX, 33KB)

For 6 to 12 months babies

Baby 6 to 12 months Sleep and Settling(PDF, 1MB)

Baby 6 to 12 months Sleep and Settling - Accessible(DOCX, 31KB)

For 1 to 2 year toddlers

Toddler 1 to 2 year Sleep and Settling(PDF, 1MB)

Toddler 1 to 2 year Sleep and Settling - Accessible(DOCX, 30KB)

Feeding Program

Our Feeding Program supports you with feeding your child solid foods. The program is delivered in two sessions:

  • getting started with food for children aged three to six months 
  • fun with food for children aged six to twelve months.

Getting started with food for children aged three to six months

This program will help you know when to start your baby on solid foods, and the importance of setting up healthy eating habits.

A baby sits in a highchair. An adult hand spoons food into the child's mouth.

Topics include:

  • when and how to introduce solid foods
  • what you will need
  • what and how much to feed your baby
  • common allergy-causing foods. 

Fun with food for children aged six to 12 months

Fun with food is a program helping you build your knowledge around healthy eating for your growing baby.

An adult watches as a baby spoons food into their mouth.

Topics include:

  • feeding your baby - how is it going for you?
  • feeding milk or food first
  • the importance of play and texture
  • the difference between choking and gagging. 

Download the Term 1 brochures

For 3 to 6 month babies

Baby 3 to 6 months Getting Started with Food(PDF, 1MB)

Baby 3 to 6 months Getting Started with Food - Accessible(DOCX, 32KB)

For 6 to 12 month babies

Baby 6 to 12 months Fun with Food(PDF, 1MB)

Baby 6 to 12 months Fun with Food - Accessible(DOCX, 40KB)

Find out more about any of these programs or register your interest at or call 03 9217 2170.