Walking maps

Walking in the City of Whittlesea

Walking is a great way to get to work, local shops, public transport or simply to enjoy spending time with friends.

We've created six easy-to-follow walking track maps to encourage everyone to get active.

These paths are designed to be accessible for people of all ages and abilities, including those using wheelchairs and prams.

The maps cover the suburbs of:

  • Bundoora
  • Epping/Lalor
  • South Morang
  • Thomastown
  • Mernda Villages
  • Mill Park.

These maps will help you find the best walking routes in each suburb.

Enjoy exploring your community on foot.

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Bundoora Walking Tracks

Tracks 1 and 2 offer a pleasant walk on a mix of smooth, well-maintained sandy surfaces and sealed paths.

Starting point

  • Begin at McLeans Road and head east towards the tennis club.
  • You’ll pass by a bocce field and the Norris Bank Tennis Club.
  • Continue until you reach a 'T' intersection at the creek.

For a longer walk (Track 1)

  • At the 'T' intersection, take a left to extend your walk.
  • Follow the path to a footbridge, loop around and return to the 'T' intersection. 
  • Walk straight past the 'T' intersection.
  • You’ll come across a BBQ area with shelters, playgrounds, public toilets and seating.
  • Cross a boardwalk to find a basketball court, more seating and a solid concrete wall.
  • Follow the path as it curves around, leading you back to your starting point at McLeans Road.

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Bundoora Walking Tracks(PDF, 623KB)

Epping/Lalor Walking Tracks

Track 1 and 2 - this track is made up of both sealed and unsealed sections.

Route details

  • Start your journey at the entrance to WA Smith Reserve on Darebin Drive.
  • Walk across the bridge and then between two oval fields.
  • Continue along the path which will lead you to Childs Road.
  • Carefully cross Childs Road and keep going until you reach a playground.
  • Cross another bridge, exit the parklands and make your way to Narina Way.
  • Follow the road until you find an entrance back into the parklands opposite Best Close. This will be on your left.
  • Cross the bridge and follow the pathway along Darebin Creek until you come back to Childs Road.

This loop offers a scenic blend of parkland and local streets, perfect for a refreshing walk in nature.

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Epping/Lalor Walking Tracks(PDF, 587KB)

Mernda Walking Tracks

This walking track has both sealed and unsealed sections and is generally even and well-kept with a sand surface.

Route details

  • Begin your walk near the sustainability center. Look for a ramp behind the centre that connects to a paved path. 
  • Head towards Plenty Road, passing two benches along the way.
  • The path will gradually incline as you walk along.
  • Be aware of a bollard in the middle of the path. This might restrict access for some users.
  • You'll see three more benches facing a scenic pond.
  • Continue to follow the path, crossing a 20-meter-long wooden bridge.
  • The path then curves right towards a picnic area.

Crossing and return:

  • Cross another wooden bridge over the creek (this one has a handrail) and circle back towards the sustainability centre.
  • Safely cross the road at the pedestrian crossing (there is a ramp).
  • As you follow the path around, you’ll find two more covered seats on your right.
  • The path loops back towards the start, with two seats on your left.
  • Use the pedestrian crossing to return to the sustainability centre.

Enjoy this tranquil loop, perfect for a leisurely walk or a reflective pause by the pond.

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Mernda Walking Tracks(PDF, 584KB)

Mill Park Walking Tracks

Track 1

This track combines paved and unpaved sections with multiple wooden bridges.

Access at two entrances and a road crossing is restricted by bollards.

Route details

  • Start at the Stables Playground on Morang Drive.
  • Cross a wooden bridge and pass the gazebo on your left.
  • Cross another wooden bridge over Manning Clarke Road. There are ramps on both sides to make crossing easier.
  • Continue and veer left down a gravel road after you see a seat on your left.
  • Note: This path includes bollards restricting access and a section where you might need to walk on the road due to a lack of footpath. If preferred, use Manning Clark Road to bypass this section and rejoin the path later.
  • Follow the paved footpath via a ramp.

Optional loop

  • For an extra loop, follow Romano Ave on a paved path around the circuit, then return to the start of Track 1.

Continuation of Track 1

  • Cross the road using ramps and walk up an incline.
  • Continue past a park and a seat on your left, cross the road and you’ll find another seat on your right and a reserve on your left.
  • Pass by the Mill Park Leisure Centre and head towards the toilets.
  • The path narrows behind the toilets and leads back to the footpath on Morang Drive, ending with a moderate incline as you return to the Stables Playground.

Track 2  

This track, both sealed and unsealed, is generally even but includes bollards and wooden bridges that may restrict some users.

Route details

  • Start at Mill Park Softball reserve and head towards the Stables playground.
  • Follow the steeply inclined paved track and turn left before the playground.
  • The path alternates between gravel and sealed surfaces and includes a wooden bridge.
  • Continue up a slight incline towards Gilroy Cr, around the softball and recreation reserves, past the Mill Park Leisure Centre and around the back of the toilets.You will end back on Morang Drive.

Track 3

This track features both sealed and unsealed surfaces and starts near the Mill Park Softball reserve on Morang Drive.

Route details

  • Begin near the toilet block and follow the gravel path around the reserve.
  • Veer left up a slight incline to a seat, where the path alternates between gravel and pavement.
  • As the path declines, it returns to gravel.
  • Continue past the Mill Park Leisure Centre, around the back of the toilets and finish your walk on Morang Drive.

These tracks offer diverse walking experiences within the reserve, from easy strolls to more challenging loops. There's something for everyone to enjoy.

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Mill Park Walking Tracks(PDF, 581KB)

South Morang Walking Tracks

Track 1

This track offers a combination of sealed, unsealed and grassland surfaces. There are steep inclines and declines, making for a challenging and scenic walk.

Route details

  • Start at Findon Road near the Plenty Ranges Arts and Convention Centre.
  • Head left along the sealed path, then take a sharp right at the road.
  • Follow the dirt path up and around the play area, climbing up the hill towards a distant shelter.
  • Pause at the seat near the shelter to enjoy views of the city and suburbs.
  • Continue to an intersection. Then, turn right and descend.
  • At the next intersection, choose to take a shortcut back to the playground or follow the parkland's boundary to The Lakes Boulevard.
  • The path over grasslands can be uneven and slippery when wet. Take care when walking.
  • Finish by following the sealed path around the wetlands back to your starting point.

Track 2

This simpler, fully sealed track is perfect for a straightforward and accessible walk.

Route details

  • Begin near the Mill Park Lakes Shops.
  • Walk left towards the playground, cross the creek and walk along Gabriel Terrace.
  • Opt to stay on the footpath or cross to the grasslands beside the wetlands for a more scenic route directly to The Great Eastern Way (note: limited access out of the parklands here).
  • If staying on the footpath, turn right onto Darius Terrace, left onto Lazar Grove. Then, take the first right followed by another right onto Scenic Drive.
  • Continue along next to the wetlands, down the Great Eastern Way and along Findon Road.
  • Carefully cross The Lakes Boulevard, walk over the bridge and take the path that slightly declines to your left.
  • Follow this path under the bridge, continue alongside the wetlands and return to your starting point.

Both tracks provide unique walking experiences, whether you’re looking for a hike with beautiful vistas or a leisurely stroll on smooth paths.

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South Morang Walking Tracks(PDF, 578KB)

Thomastown Walking Tracks

Track 1

This path is a combination of sealed and unsealed walking track, plus footpath.

Note: there is a bollard at the entry to the path on Main St, on the east side of Edgars Creek. This could restrict access to the path for some users.

Route details

  • Begin on Main St on the east side of Edgars Creek.
  • Follow this sealed track north until you reach the German Lane.
  • Here, turn left and enter the 'Pioneer Precinct' through the gate.
  • As you walk the unsealed path through this historical site, you will see the Lutheran Cemetery on your right and the Lutheran Church on your left.
  • A little further along is Ziebell's Farmhouse.
  • The unsealed path will finish at Gardenia Road, where you should turn left and follow the footpath back to Main Street Reserve.
  • From here, follow the sealed track to the left, which will lead you to the Thomastown Library and back to your starting point.

Track 2 

 This track is mostly sealed but has a small section of gravel.

Note: there is a bollard at the entry to the track on Main St, on the east side of Edgars Creek. This could restrict access to the track for some users.

Route details:

  • Begin at the Thomastown Library and walk to the track that leads north, around the football oval.
  • Follow this track until you hit a 'Y' intersection, then veer right across the bridge and Edgars Creek.
  • Take the path on the right and you will return to Main St.
  • Walk through the bollards and take the footpath back to the library where you began.

Download walking map

Thomastown Walking Tracks(PDF, 534KB)

Download maps of our local conservation sites

Epping Cemetery

Take a walk back into history through the oldest local graves which date back to the mid-19th century.

See landscapes and vegetation as they were well before European settlement arrived in this area.

Walking difficulty: Easy
Accessibility: Good, formed gravel and mown grassy paths
Parking: O'Herns Road, Epping 

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The cemetery is an island of the original vegetation and landscape that existed prior to settlement on land on the traditional owners, the Wurundjeri-Willam Clan. In the mid-19th century much of the Epping region became pastoral land. Four acres was set aside for a cemetery to service this growing agricultural area and the Epping Township.

The Epping Cemetery is now managed by the City of Whittlesea's Bushland Management Team. 

What to see and do

  • Take the time to appreciate the local historical interest of the cemetary and the beauty of the rare grasslands.
  • Look for shiny skinks basking in the sun upon the graves and rocks.
  • Take photos of a range of local indigenous flora and fauna.
  • Listen and look out for the Red-rumped Parrots while they perch and flutter in the open grasslands.
  • See the colour explosion of Spring-time wildflowers in the grasslands.
  • Take in the audio-visual feast with the sounds of the Common Froglet and the trilling of the birds as they manoeuvre through the trees. 
  • Read the inscriptions on the headstones and learn about the live of Epping residents of the past.


Epping Cemetery P1(PDF, 387KB)

Epping Cemetery P2(PDF, 188KB)

Epping Cemetery P3(PDF, 194KB)

If you need these documents in another format, please email info@whittlesea.vic.gov.au or call 03 9217 2170.

Epping North heritage trail

A natural heritage trail with historic places and points of interest, local flora, fauna and ecological values.

Suitable for all active families and pleasure walkers.

Address: Chigwell Place, Epping North
Walking difficulty: Easy flat levels
Accessibliity: Excellent, boardwalks, concrete and gravel paths
Parking: Northfields Street, Epping

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The Conservation Reserve has been set aside to enhance and maintain local flora, fauna and ecological values. This will be achieved through the control of pest animals and high threat weeds, ecological burning, revegetation, and increased public education.

The area provides a place for local residents to explore and enjoy this example of the natural landscapes that existed in the area prior to the current residential development.

Download Epping North Handbook(PDF, 13MB)

What to see and do

  • Walk the shared trail and enjoy the serenity.
  • View the dry stone walls that are iconic to the area. They date back to former land practices and were
    used to define property boundaries.
  • Listen to the local birds.
  • Look out for animals in the hollows and the River Red Gums.
  • Look for wild flowers in the stony knoll shrub land including the nationally endangered Matted Flax Lily (Dianella amoena) and the rare Tall Vanilla-lily (Arthropodium sp.).
  • Look and listen for frogs, wetland birds and other small wildlife around the low-lying swampy spots.

Please be aware that:

  • snakes may live in this open space
  • entry to Epping North Conservation Reserve is prohibited on total fire ban days
  • dogs are not permitted on or off the leash.

Woodland Waters Conservation Reserve

Natural Heritage trail with historic places and points of interest, local flora, fauna and ecological values.

Suitable for all active families and pleasure walkers.

Please note: dogs are not permitted.

Address: Chigwell Place Epping North
Time: 1 hr
Difficulty: Low
Accessibility: Good

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Woodland Waters Conservation Reserve is an 8.1 hectare site that has been set aside for biodiversity conservation through residential development in Mernda.

The reserve aims to rebuild and restore the native vegetation and native animals that existed prior to European Settlement.

Past agricultural grazing of the area has left the site with degraded soils and lacking biodiversity other than the stand of Red Gums.

Download Woodland Waters Brochure(PDF, 7MB)