Community Activate Toolkit

We’ve developed the Community Activate Toolkit to support residents and community groups build the skills and confidence to run community projects, programs and campaigns.

Together we can create strong, connected and welcoming communities.

About the Community Activate Toolkit

Communities grow stronger when residents have opportunities to contribute to and shape their neighbourhoods.

We’ve developed the Community Activate Toolkit to support residents, groups and the community in leading positive local change. 

Local change can take the form of a program, advocacy campaign, event or longer-term project delivered within the council area.

We want our residents and community groups to feel confident contributing their ideas, skills, leadership and passion to local projects. This contribution will to help create liveable, connected neighbourhoods across the City of Whittlesea.

What’s in the toolkit?

The toolkit includes:

  • information and examples
  • tips and ideas
  • templates
  • worksheets
  • links to further information.

You can download copies of the toolkit and editable templates to use in your projects.

Using the toolkit

You can use the toolkit in different ways, depending on the type of project or event you’re working on. Some of the topics it covers include:

  • community engagement
  • forming a community group
  • developing a project
  • organising a community event
  • raising awareness and lobbying for social change.

Download the toolkit

Community Activate Toolkit(PDF, 6MB)

Community Activate Toolkit(DOCX, 4MB) (Accessible)

Toolkit templates

Adapt these templates for your specific needs.

Feedback and questions

We want residents to feel supported in participating and engaging with the community and with Council.

If you have feedback or questions about the toolkit, require additional support to access this information, or would like an explanation in a language other than English, please contact our Community Planning team on 03 9217 2170 or